BASE es un estudio de arte con espacio expositivo ubicado en Bilbao.

Galeria de arte regentado por y para artistas, con el objetivo de conectar artistas y coleccionistas.
Seleccion de artistas locales e internacionales, tanto reconocidos como emergentes,

BASE is an art studio and exhibition gallery based in Bilbao.

Artist-run contemporary gallery curating work we believe in, local and international, established and emerging artists, with the aim of connecting artists and collectors.
If you are visiting Bilbao, don't hesitate to stop by our gallery-shop. You will discover the entire selection of original artworks, art prints and more. We are located the other side of the river, in the best view of the Guggenheim museum.

Bilbon kokatutako arte estudio ta erakusketa areto bat da BASE.

Artistak eta bildumagileak konektatzeko helburuarekin sortzen da. Artista hasi berriak zein ibilbidedunak, bertokoak eta nazioartekoak biltzen dituen lekua.