Theo Lopez has invested very early in an artistic approach. In 2008, his meeting with the 9ème Concept artist collective encouraged him to take a decisive pictorial turn. Surrounded by established artists and driven by a growing curiosity through his numerous trips to Russia, Israel or USA, he extends his vision beyond its original aspirations. At 31, he shares his singular artistic universe through a sharp eye. At first inspired by tribal and spiritual influences, today Theo Lopez gravitates towards the abstract style. Initially creating works with patterns and optical effects, the artist in his research is driven by a need to return to the basics, to the essence of his line. Alike the Musicalism, European lyrical abstraction artists, American abstract expressionists or the contemporaries of the artist - the graffuturists, he develops a poetry working with the material, the line and the color.


 The experimentation is an integrant part of the creative process of the artist. The creation of the work oscillates constantly between two opposite but complementary concepts: reflection and spontaneity. His first work, spontaneous and intuitive, is formed of random curves and gestures that the artists then structures with straight lines and geometric shapes.

This repeated process generates a transformation. The artist does not follow the predefined paths, he builds his painting in real time. Cut, break, trace, structure, cover, add, scrape, conceal, reveal ... Theo Lopez conceives the painting as a sculptor, playing with the random and causing the accident for inspiration. The metamorphosis emanates a hybrid poetry. Multiple layers blend together, the colors dialogue, the lines vibrate and echo, the accumulated painting gains dimension. These contrasts evoke energy flows, subconscious lights, thus the canvas becomes inhabited. Articulating this way all these apparent contradictions, the artist manages to awake secret harmonies in his work, which ultimately defines his style.

Solo show

Mars 2020: RESONANCES / Vincent Tiercin / Paris
Septembre 2019: AURORA / Russo Yubero / Genève
Septembre 2018: HIDDEN SIDES / Vincent Tiercin / Paris
Octobre 2017: BRAINSTORMING / ArtistikRezo / Paris
Juillet 2014: Apnée / NUNC / Paris
Février 2013: Méandres / H2basement / Paris​

Art Fair

Octobre 2019: Art Elysée / Ground Effect / Paris
Avril 2019: URBAN ART FAIR / Artistik Rezo / Paris 
Avril 2018: URBAN ART FAIR / Pretty Portal / Artistik Rezo / Paris
Février 2018: URVANITY / Pretty Portal / Mardid
Avril 2017: URBAN ART FAIR / Artistik Rézo / NUNC / Paris 
Avril 2016: URBAN ART FAIR / Francs Colleurs / Paris


Octobre 2019: Vibrations Artistiques / Molitor 
Février 2017: Opus Délits #69 / Critère édition
Novembre 2015: Résidence avant destruction / 9ème concept
Juin 2014: Google cultural Institute / 9ème concept
2013: 9ème concept, 20 an de création Collective / Arttitude 


Juillet 2020: ARTRAVELN°93: La vitalité à tout prix.
Février 2020: Urban Mag N°4: Les fluxs d'énergies de Théo Lopez
Juin 2018: Marketing Mag N°209: Le mot de la fin @Théo Lopez.
Mai 2018: Stratégies n°1951: «Dans le labo de Théo»
Avril 2017: Stuart Magazine #4 «Théo Lopez, l’Abstraction sensible.»


Thomas Berthuel Bonnes


Paula Huarte Cosin