Maite Leyún
Maite Leyun (1986) holds a degree and doctorate in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country, specializing in contemporary ceramics. Basque Country, specializing in contemporary ceramics. Her work focuses on ceramics as a starting her work focuses on ceramics as a starting point, complemented by a multidisciplinary character.
Both the materials she uses and the forms she seeks, are always linked to contemporary reality, without paying attention to the contemporary reality, without paying attention to the boundaries created between sculpture, installation, design, performance or manual, he tries to generate volumes that are capable of being both question and question at the same time.
Throughout his career, he has participated in various national and international exhibitions, among them international exhibitions, among which stand out: Máximo Ramos Award (Ferrol), Bienal Internacional Cerámica (Marratxí), Concurso Internacional de Cerámica (L ́Alcora), all of them in 2018, Gureak Euskaditik Mexikora (Mexico DF) in 2014, Progress in work. Work in crisis (Limoges and Bilbao) in 2013, among others. Also individually his work has been shown in Not a Pot at ICSHU (Hungary).
He has received different awards and grants among which to highlight: BilbaoArte Foundation Grant in 2013, Residency Grant at International Ceramic Studio in 2012. Her artistic practice is complemented with different projects related to the field of design, teaching and research.